The Blair Witch Project is an unsettling video-documentary and an excellent horror movie. This movie was one of the first films to bring on the "found-footage" genre in most movies today. The movie is filled with tension and the actors are excellent by making the film more "real" than you could imagine. Although it is not as scary as it is today, especially with the film being made on a small budget, The Blair Witch Project still holds up as tension-filled nightmare that terrified audiences worldwide all those years ago...
'Sentiment: Negative âšī¸'
Some observations:Anyone who thinks this movie is scary has lived a sheltered life, indeed.Those who gave this dreck anything higher than a "5" probably bought pet rocks when they were on the market.This flick will go down in history as another "Billy Jack." (Remember it was getting high ratings for the first few years.)As far as one of the producers saying he noticed people vomiting after having seen the movie, they were probably made physically ill at having thought of being ripped off like they had been.This flick sucks beyond words....
'Sentiment: Positive đ'
Considering,that there are almost no horrors,that I didn't watch)))the Blair witch remains the favorite,timeless and respected film ever!The minimalist style,with tiny budget,but enormous talent,makes it a wonder movie,for me!The creators masterfully play on basic human fears:unknown,getting lost,darkness and night forest.Without any special effects,gore and jump scares,it still remains one of the scariest horrors ever made.Just absolutely love it!